IGBC Coffee Table Book

IGBC is proud of its association with all IGBC green-rated projects spread across the country. The sustainability initiatives in these projects have guided the growth of IGBC and inspired wide spread adoption of green buildings by various stakeholders of the real estate community. This has facilitated India to emerge as a global leader on the world map of green buildings and green infrastructure. The achievements and green scorecard of all IGBC-rated projects deserve to be recognised at the national and international stage.

In this regard, IGBC had launched a coffee table book series in 2014. The IGBC Coffee Book is a limited edition biennial publication and showcases unique green building projects which are spread across the country and have been rated by IGBC.

The book primarily captures the following:
  • High resolution photographs of the salient features like passive architectural design, innovative use of recycled and salvaged materials, landscaping, etc
  • Project team involved like owner, consultant, architect and others
  • Tangible (energy and water savings) and intangible (health and comfort) benefits
  • Experience of the occupants in living and working out of green buildings

The IGBC Coffee Table Book has turned out to be one of CII - IGBC's most successful and prestigious publication till date.

IGBC Coffee Table book is titled, "Green Built Environment". The book showcases unique green projects from the built-environment comprising green buildings (home, school, factory, place of worship, office, mall), green metro stations, green campus, townships, cities, and villages.

The book is now open for sale only till stocks last.

Place an order for a personal copy from the IGBC website (click on "Order Publications" under Quick Links) and get acquainted with green projects from India's trend-setting developers, consultants, architects, etc.

This book is also an excellent gift item and is available at attractive discounted prices for bulk quantity orders (more than 10 copies).

Contact Us

For bulk orders, please contact:
Ms Sahithya T
Associate Counsellor
marketing@igbc.in +040-44185111


To request IGBC rating system Addendums, please contact:
Ms Sahithya T
Associate Counsellor
marketing@igbc.in 040-44185111

For more details, please Click on below button

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