IGBC Green Campus

The construction sector for the last 10 years has done extremely well in embracing the green concepts. Though initially it started with individual buildings, green is now penetrating into other forms of environment such as Administrative campuses, Convention centers, Educational campuses, IT parks, Leisure & Recreational campuses, Military campuses, Religious campuses, etc.,

The green concepts and techniques in campuses can help address National issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use in commuting, handling of consumer waste and conserving natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance occupant health, happiness and well-being.

Against this background, the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched 'IGBC Green Campus rating system' to address the National priorities. This rating programme is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and reduce environmental impacts that are measurable.


A Green Campus can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day one of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 20 -30 % and water savings around 30 - 50%. Intangible benefits of green campus include improvement in microclimate, reduction in urban heat island effect, enhanced air quality, promoting biodiversity, improved health & well-being of the occupants, safety benefits, conservation of scarce national resources, zero waste to landfill.


IGBC Green Campus rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
  • Site Planning and Design
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Water Conservation
  • Material and Resource Management
  • Health & Well-being
  • Sustainable Operation & Maintenance
  • Innovation in Design

The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of campuses of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green campus certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green campus should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.


IGBC Green Campus rating system is designed for both New and Existing Campuses. The types of Campuses include Administrative campuses, Convention centers, Educational campuses, IT parks, Leisure & Recreational campuses, Military campuses, Religious campuses, etc.,

Buildings within the campus such as new buildings, existing buildings, residential buildings, etc., shall demonstrate compliance following the typology specific IGBC rating programmes.

IGBC Green Campus rating system is broadly classified into two types:
  1. New Campuses
  2. Existing Campuses

Based on the scope of work, projects can choose any of the above options.

If the campus is developed in a phase wise manner, each phase shall be registered separately for Precertification/Certification.

Certification Levels

The threshold criteria for certification levels are as under:
Certification Level New Campus & Existing Campus Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 National Excellence
Platinum 80 - 100 Global Leadership

Validity of Certification

IGBC Green Campus rating is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the certification.

For Recertification, the projects have to show compliance to the latest version of IGBC Green Campus Rating prevailing at the time of Recertification.

Fee Structure (effective from 15th February 2020)

Registration Fee(INR)
Membership Category Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 25,000
IGBC Annual Member 25,000
Non-Member 30,000
Provisional Certification Fee(INR)
Membership Category Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 2,50,000
IGBC Annual Member 2,50,000
Non-Member 2,75,000
Certification Fee(INR)

Educational Institutions:

Membership Category Less than 10 Acres 10 to 50 Acres 50 to 100 Acres Greater than 100 Acres
Flat Fee (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 2,50,000 Rs. 2,50,000 plus Rs. 3,000 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 3,70,000 plus Rs. 3,500 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 5,45,000
IGBC Annual Member 2,60,000 Rs. 2,60,000 plus Rs. 3,000 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 3,80,000 plus Rs. 3,500 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 5,55,000
Non-Member 2,70,000 Rs. 2,70,000 plus Rs. 3,000 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 3,90,000 plus Rs. 3,500 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 5,65,000

Corporate/ Public Sector Units/ Others:

Membership Category Less than 10 Acre 10 to 50 Acres 50 to 100 Acres Greater than 100 Acres
Flat Fee (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 3,80,000 Rs. 4,00,000 plus Rs. 4,250 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 5,90,000 plus Rs. 4,500 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 8,40,000
IGBC Annual Member 3,90,000 Rs. 4,10,000 plus Rs. 4,500 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 6,10,000 plus Rs. 4,750 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 8,65,000
Non-Member 4,00,000 Rs. 4,20,000 plus Rs. 4,500 per additional acre over & above 10 acres Rs. 6,20,000 plus Rs. 4,750 per additional acre over & above 50 acres 8,75,000
  • Fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Registration, Provisional Certification and Certification fees are non-refundable
  • Membership discounts can be availed only if the Project Owner or Developer is a member of IGBC
  • Industrial & Logistics Campuses - Please register the projects under IGBC Green Logistics Parks & Warehouses rating system
  • Hospitality Campuses - Please register the projects under IGBC Green Resorts rating system
  • Healthcare & Medical Universities - Please register the projects under IGBC Green Healthcare Facilities rating system


  • IGBC Green Campus Version 1.0 is effective from 01 August 2024. All the projects registering further to this date shall consider only Version 1.0 rating guideline.

Contact Us

For more details, please contact:
IGBC Marketing:
Anand Sundararajan
Associate Counsellor
Request a Call
IGBC Technical:
Ar Nivedita Dileep
Associate Counsellor
Dr Shivraj Dhaka
Senior Counsellor

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