IGBC Net Zero Waste to Landfill Rating System

India produces more than 277 million tonnes of solid waste every year, which is likely to touch 387 million tonnes by 2030*. Of the total collected waste, only 20 per cent (55 MT per year) is processed and the remaining 80 per cent (221 MT per year) is dumped as landfill. The country also generates 150 million tonnes per year of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. The existing recycling capacity is only a meagre 2.3 million tonnes per year which is about 1.5 per cent.

With the limited usable land area available in the country, the increased landfill becomes a major challenge. The landfill leads to land, air and water pollution which affects the health and well-being of people in the surroundings. The landfill also leads to emission of methane and other greenhouse gases which contributes to global warming and climate change. There is an imminent need for addressing the issues related to waste generation and their landfill.

There are multiple challenges associated in addressing the waste generation, handling and diversion to landfill. Some of the challenges include the nature of the sector, which is largely unorganised, lack of segregation of waste at source, non-availability of recycling facilities, financial viability and the people mindset.

Against this background, IGBC's mission on Net Zero aims at addressing the issues related to waste generation during construction, operation and maintenance of the buildings and built environment through Net Zero Waste Rating System initiative. This rating system on Net Zero Waste Rating System is a tool to facilitate buildings and built environment to adopt 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) principles to address waste generation and avoid waste being sent to landfill.

Source: CPCB Report 2017, Agencies: Building Material Promotion Council (BMTC)


Key benefits of adopting 'Net Zero Waste Rating System for Buildings & Built Environment' for the project proponents are as below:

  • Complying to National and International standards on quality and environmental performance related to products and materials.
  • Increased use of green products & materials thus improved resource efficiency and health benefits.
  • Reduction in material consumption and hence reduction in cost of construction
  • Increase in reuse of waste so that reduction in procurement of additional materials.
  • Reduction in cost associated with waste handling and disposal.
  • Opportunity to convert waste to wealth in terms of energy or other value-added products.
  • Brand image and value to their customers


The 'Net Zero Waste Rating System for Buildings & Built Environment' can be applied on all building typologies including residential, commercial, factories, interior fitouts, healthcare, education institutions, retail shops, transit buildings, townships, cities, etc.

This rating system can be adopted for both New & Existing buildings and built environment. Refer Design & Construction for New Projects and Operation credits for Existing projects

Depending upon the project proponent aspiring to achieve 'Net Zero Waste to Landfill' rating for their building, the scope can be limited to design & construction (or) operation.

The suggested scope for the project proponents is as below:


IGBC Net Zero Waste to Landfill Rating System for Buildings & Built Environment addresses green features under the following categories:

The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of interiors in buildings of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every project aiming for Net Zero Waste Rating System for Buildings & Built Environment should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.


The rating awarded for IGBC Net Zero Waste to Landfill under Design & Construction phase or Operations phase would be valid for a period of 3 years. The projects certified under Design & Construction phase shall apply for Operations phase certification with the prevailing version. The projects certified under Operations phase shall apply for recertification with the prevailing version.

Types of Certifications

Projects can apply for IGBC Net Zero certification during Design and Operation phase, and following are the types of certification:

  • Design Certification - For projects in Design and Construction stage.
  • Operations Certification Fee(₹)# - For projects in Operations stage for at least one year. Such projects should have implemented the measures and also have the recent annual performance data for validation.
  • Precertification - For projects in Operations stage for at least three months. Such projects should have implemented the measures and also have the recent three months performance data for validation.

For more details on types of certifications, please click here.

Certification Levels

The threshold criteria for certification levels are as under:

Rating level Compliance Requirement
(Percentage of waste being diverted from landfill)
Minimum Points to Comply
Near Net Zero Waste 75-84% 30
Net Zero Waste 85-94% 35
Net Zero Waste Platinum 95% & above 40

Fee Structure (effective from 1st February 2025)

Registration Fee:
Membership Category Fee (₹)
IGBC Founding Member 25,000
IGBC Annual Member 25,000
Non Member 30,000
Design Certification Fee(₹)*
Membership Category Base Fee
5,000 sqm & below 5,001 sqm to 75,000 sqm 75,001 sqm & above "For each additional building with built-up area 5,001 sqm and above (Additional fee is applicable for upto 4 buildings)"
Flat Fee (₹) Based on sqm (₹) Flat Fee (₹) Flat Fee (₹)
IGBC Founding Member ₹ 2,20,000 ₹ 2,45,000 plus ₹ 5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 6,20,000 ₹ 50,000
IGBC Annual Member ₹ 2,40,000 ₹ 2,65,000 plus ₹ 5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 6,40,000 ₹ 50,000
Non-Member ₹ 2,60,000 ₹ 2,85,000 plus ₹ 5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 6,60,000 ₹ 50,000
Operations certification Fee (₹)#

The fee payable for Design & Construction certification is same as Operations Certification fee

Membership Category Base Fee
5,000 sqm and below 5,001 sqm to 75,000 sqm 75,001 sqm & above "For each additional building with built-up area 5,001 sqm and above (Additional fee is applicable for upto 4 buildings)"
Flat Fee (₹) Flat Fee (₹) Flat Fee (₹) Flat Fee (₹)
IGBC Founding Member ₹ 2,20,000 ₹ 2,45,000 plus ₹ 7.5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 7,95,000 ₹ 50,000
IGBC Annual Member ₹ 240,000 ₹ 2,65,000 plus ₹ 7.5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 8,15,000 ₹ 50,000
Non-Member ₹ 2,60,000 ₹ 2,85,000 plus ₹ 7.5 per additional sqm over & above 5,000 sqm ₹ 8,25,000 ₹ 50,000
  • For fee calculation, parking areas need not be considered as part of the built-up area.
  • Fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Additional building in the fee structure refers to Projects with multiple buildings including common basements
  • Registration, Certification, and Precertification fees are non-refundable (GST)
Additional Notes:
  • The registration fee shall be payable only once for adopting any IGBC Net Zero rating system or a combination of Net Zero rating systems.
  • The green building projects which are already registered under any IGBC rating system (other than IGBC Net Zero rating system) shall register separately for the Net Zero certification.
  • The projects which adopt second/third/fourth Net Zero rating (Say NZ Energy or NZ Water or NZ Waste to Landfill or NZ Carbon) shall be offered 20% reduction on the base NZ Design/ Operations certification/ Precertification fee for each additional NZ rating whenever the project applies for certification.
  • Projects which have achieved/ applied for Certification under other IGBC rating systems, a reduction in base fee by 10% shall be applicable for Operations Certification/ Precertification.
  • The fee payable for Design & Construction certification is same as Operations Certification fee
  • INR 2,00,000 (or) 50% of the base Operations certification fee, whichever is higher, shall be paid based on the prevalent fee structure of respective IGBC NZ rating system.
Design Certification:
  • Design Certification is applicable for projects in Design and Construction phase.
  • Design Certification is valid for three years from the date of award.
Operations Certification:
  • Operations Certification is applicable for projects in Operations phase which are in operations for a minimum of one year.
  • Operations Certification is valid for three years from the date of award.
  • Precertification is applicable for projects in Operations phase. Such projects should have implemented the NZ related measures and have at least recent three months performance data for validation.
  • Precertification is valid for one year from the date of award and such projects shall be apply for Operations Certification later.
  • The fee for Precertification is same as Operations Certification fee, and projects which apply for Precertification need not pay Operations Certification fee later.

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IGBC Technical:
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